Tuesday, September 9, 2008

About me

About me...i will not say, i haven't think about this..but now may be this question is gaining more importance,now it's kind of ensnaring my mind, now it seems like everybody is asking this..every interview starts with this only, Tell me something about yourself. I think first time i recall thinking , no not thinking but actually being confronting this question, was when i sign up for orkut.

Still i am not able to decide what i think about myself my opinion changes everyday, sometimes within few hours.

So, i can only write what i think about myself preciously this moment only.

I think, i am not happy never was, never satisfied. No matter where ever i am, what i am doing.... i always wanted to be some place other, always wanted to be someone else. When i am alone i fell like what use of life like this, i long for others...when with friends, they sometimes kind of make me sick and i just want to be alone doing my deeds, good or bad, creative, destructive whatever it is..

Someone, tell me the stupidest people are those who can't differentiate between right and wrong, or who can't decide which side to take' who can't decide what to do.

Someone also told me that you can argue for anything, you can support or condemn any argument based on logical reasoning. So, basically, there is no such thing like right or wrong. These are just different perceptions.

I don't know what to believe in.

For success goal is must.
But what if you just can't decide on your goal. I don't want to spend 5-10 years of my life achieving a goal, which later you may realized wasn't your goal.

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