Friday, July 23, 2010

Trickle Effect

Advocates of Capitalism argue that trickle effect will ultimately benefit whole society and end result is inclusiveness. As far as creation of an elite class and hierarchy in society is concerned it is natural to have distinctions according to ones capability and hard work.

Above argument looks good to me. This is why may be capitalism has beat socialism hands-down in today's world.

Still the question remains, whether this is the ground reality. As far as surveys goes there are millions of people living below poverty line, and millions of children are hungry leave talks about education and health facilities.

The problem in whole argument is that no where it has talked about speed, spread and volume of that trickle effect. Right now it doesn't seems like trickle effect, it more so looks like leakage due to unmanageable excess one part of society (so called elite) has.

If a whole generation of a family tree is rooted out waiting for trickle water there is problem of speed. If state can easily be divided into 10-15 groups of tier-I,tire-II cities there is a problem of spread. If even after having fruits of trickle effect continuously for considerable time people keep on flocking it there is a problem of volume.

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