Saturday, February 1, 2014

Creative Expression

This post is written with the aim of glorifying the word, ‘Backchodi’.

People usually use this word to disregard an opinion or a conversation. ‘Backchodi’ is an unrecognized art form. We would try to understand how ‘Buckchodi’ is an art form based on two characteristics: Creativeness; self-expression.

It is highly creative for simple reason that it defies logic or reason. It creates logic; it creates connection where none exist or none is generally perceived. It has qualities of both prose and poem. It drives its imagination; it drives its canvas, its play field from poem. In this canvas, this play field it expresses itself as prose.

It is highly cathartic as a mode of self-expression. When others take it as ‘Buckchodi’, one can easily get away without hurting others.
When thoughts with your own unique tint are expressed, one feels lighten and when one connects to outer world as his base identity rather than expected identity; it is elevating. Living in a world preserving your base identity gives you more to explore in yourself, though it doesn’t guarantees any acceptance. ‘Backchodi’ gives you full freedom to present as you perceive. Even if your perception is outright cynical: the creativity to create it and freedom to express it; is at par with any other art form.

‘Bagchodi’ is finding acceptance and popularity nowadays, by way of many television shows and stand-up comedian acts. Soon, we hope bakarchodi will get its due respect in our daily life also.

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