Friday, October 13, 2023

How to generate time?


What is the need?

We all are regularly saying things like – ‘Let’s do this, we don’t have enough time for that.’, or ‘Time is short’, ‘Time is money’, ‘pull up our socks’, ‘timeline is today’, ‘by EOD’.

This leads us to keep speeding up and burning ourselves.

What if we can generate time and do lot of things, things which we are keeping on back burner – spending time with kids, going for holiday, to read that book, to talk to old friends, to call parents.

Answer is -

It is very simple. To generate time slow down yourself.

It does not make sense, because we all have learned that in 10 minutes if we have more speed we will travel more distance. If we slow down, decrease our speed than we will be able to do fewer things in same amount of time.

Lets understand -

Let me take you through my experience of slowness on mind. First let’s do one exercise, watch the clock for 10 seconds. Done? Now, again look at watch for 10 seconds with deep and slow breathing. Do you feel both the time duration were equal.

Most of the people (who would have really taken long breath) would have experienced that in later 10 seconds they had more thoughts, more clarity and more time actually.

A step further -

Let me take you one step deeper in mind. Our mind has extremely good ability to focus, in which it ignores many things to achieve its focused goal. We all must have gone through that moment when while reading or watching something we didn’t noticed someone entering room. Most of magicians and thieves work on this logic only. They create a distraction and as your mind and eyes turn, within seconds they switch something which you don’t notice.[1]

No, not working -

So, my mind burns energy to keep focus, and cuts out other things. But then focus is good, and still it is not clear how we generate time by slowing down.

When we slow down, we free up a lot of mind which was used in keeping focus and speed. Numerous studies have shown that we take regular breaks in office our efficiency improves. Sleep, a break from life, heals and energizes us.

Yes it does - 

When we slow down, we are giving frequent break to our minds from speed and focus to improve its efficiency. You generate time and do more things in same 10 seconds.






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