All things that came to my mind but couldn't tweet cause of word limit
1.)when u draw a line on horizontal plane..u mean two things are different ..when u draw a line on vertical plane..u mean thing below is inferior thats where problem arises...when you differentiate and attach a derogatory meaning to one thing...
2.)She looks at me and smiles. I was flying among clouds. She looked at my friend and smiled too. I was a dead pan.
Why this possessiveness. How to differentiate between a general smile and special smile.
3.) I have cracks in my heart filled with pain, anger, revenge still spider of love managed to make webs over these cracks. These webs filter my pain as compassion for others pain, my anger as tolerance for others anger, my revenge as forgiveness for others hatred.
4.)if my words could carry my feelings i would have said it, if my tears could hold my feelings i would have cried, if my eyes could showcase my feelings i would have open them. All i manage is a fence like smile which make me die without coming out.
5.)It goes in with your deep breath to every remotest part of your body, its sets in your every blood cell and brain nerve. It refuses to leave with breath it feeds on your time and thought to keep growing. Its a symptom of love.
6.)The time spend by a person in his life anxiously waiting for result of their action or some other thing to happen is more than time spend in enjoying success or suffering in hard work. Now optimistic people are more happy in that time period of wait and anxiety than pessimistic people. That is why people turn to religion, there is a direct relation between faith and happiness.
7.)I was flipping the coin and you flip your eyes,
i fall so hard on seeing your eyes, you laugh so hard on seeing me fall, i felt so ashamed and you find it cute.
8.)'Identity' comes from processing your sensory perception without a predefined resultset.
9.) My heart could feel it all,
But mind questions all.
You didn't say it but show it all.
I didn't say it but feel it all.
Because words are what we think, and eyes have what we feel, the question looms on what we feel.
Here are some guidelines or advice before reading my blog... 1.) If you are looking for some well written and nicely expressed articles or views. Please don't bother to read cause i am not a goddamn writer and sole purpose of this blog is to please myself.
2.) Facts have been twisted in my accordance to make posts more comprehensive but still many things are left unexplained as i had told you before that i am not a goddamn writer and sole purpose of this blog is to please myself.
Still you have ample of time and patience to read some crap you are most welcome.
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