Saturday, January 1, 2011

Males are receptive to change and females are not. I think i should use words gents and ladies or men and women cause the point i want to make is not related to the biological factors.

Someone once said to me that men are more receptive to change than women.

May be it is. But Why?

I think our society is designed in such a way that women is the one who has to go thorough major changes in her lifestyle like marriage, motherhood etc. Men also go through these changes but not to that extend as women goes.

So, women who from childhood is aware of these coming changes look for stability, look for one man who can consistently love them, may be in the same way but can love them again and again.

Man were not ought to go through change of society, attachments and detachments, in case of marriage nor through any biological change in case of fatherhood. So, man look for change, they seek for new things, experiences.

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