Since i had read today that how your happiness effects people around you, i think it may be true but i don't believe it.
The article put its point by citing the proverb: One bad apple can spoil the whole barrel.
I think it is rubbish as i had write in one of my earlier post Pursuit Of Happiness(July 2008).
Smile, happiness are implicit emotions which you don't need to work upon. it comes out as a consequence of your actions or may feel happy just by memories, or sometimes just by looking at something.
So many bloody logic less surveys are being carried out these days trying to rate and gauge happiness. Sometimes a person in great stress of work or coping with some financial problem; come home play with children and start feeling happy. sometimes we are happy without knowing ourselves just a mere frustration for while and we start thinking that we are not happy and want to change our life.
I think everyone is happy it is just that happiness is always accompanied by pain and suffering.
For every head their is always a tail.
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