Friday, July 26, 2013

Critical Reasoning

There used to be a section for critical reasoning in MBA entrance exams. I used to think that this is a section where questions have options like only A is correct, Either A or B are correct, Both A and B are correct. This section is kept in exams because in some theories or somewhere someone believes that critical thinking is an essential quality, which leaders or managers should have.

What is critical thinking? Critical thinking is way of thinking in which you analyze negative aspects of a decision and eliminate those one by one. Sherlock Holmes’ famously used to say something on similar lines. Quote of Sherlock Homes: How often have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?This kind of thinking is like a bottom to top approach. In which keep on eliminating to reach to conclusion.

Looking closely critical thinking at times directly comes in way of hope. Hope, which holds on single possibility of success in the pool of thousand possibilities of failure.
Critical thinking gives reality check. It makes your planning more realistic and less susceptible to failure. But does it not sound same as mediocrity. At execution stage, when critical thinking expand its span then execution contracts.

Critical thinking is like a defense it has to be coupled with hope, confidence and optimism to achieve.