Monday, February 2, 2009

Stay wild

i don't know why?

but i just wanna stay wild, it rubs of any boundary any pre-specified conditions on actions,thought and behavior.

in fact i think you need to be wild for any sort of newness(i haven't used the word 'original' cause i had convinced myself that originality and stupidity are relative and absurd, stupid words which can't be used in any sense).

Ain't it is my general view about every thing that they all are relative. So in absence of any originality to just feel different(not exactly new) stay wild.

p.S: finally after more than a or legitimate welcome to new year which itself is not new any more.

A gal

Things i would like to do to a gal:

There are so many things and quiet varying from each other. Sometimes i feel like F sex like something mystical to me something i definitely wanna fuck.

1. Sometimes i feel like just hugging.or just kissing lock my hands around her waist hold her squeezing tenderly..kissing and playing with her hairs...boobies suck then just keep on licking them ...sometimes i just want to sit and drink with her..then just keep on drinking and talking...
sometimes i feel like fucking..feel like fucking bite her eat her wanna swallow down ..wanna tear her flesh out..just want to get in get in her body and get in completely i want to disappear in her i want to permeate through her..though her every cell...every drop..every unbreakable atom...and sometimes luckily lazily i don't want to do anything just want to sit and see her see her become my master i want to surrender stop thinking just obeying her just see her beaming and living through her ..her emotions ..her spectacles becoming my eyes to world.